Sunday, December 6, 2015


By Claudio Lagoa, DVM, MS

"How do you make a million dollars breeding dogs? Start with 2 million dollars" – the saying goes. Breeding dogs is not cheap…monetarily, emotionally, or with the amount of time invested. Precious lives are involved. Lamentably, few people breed dogs responsibly.

I have always passionately loved dogs. But sometimes, the interaction with some clients and breeders can become a source of major frustration - an experience shared by many of my colleagues. And while some clients and breeders are to be praised for their avid interest in searching for medical information to improve the health & care of their beloved pets, one thing needs to be very clear: neither Dr. Google nor books from your local library will ever be able help you attain the same level of expertise of a DVM for a very simple reason: veterinarians spend thousands of hours learning complex concepts in physics, chemistry (general, organic and inorganic); genetics (basic and advanced); basic and applied physiology; pathology; microbiology; medicine, surgery, etc. -- these are only a few disciplines that we must tackle during our many years in vet school. Then, add to that the complexity of combining theory & practice to become a seasoned vet – something that may take years to achieve. Veterinary medicine (like human medicine) is an ever-evolving science, requiring constant dedication to keep us abreast of new advances. To make things even more ghastly, some vets will go on to pursue advanced training – be it in research (masters or a PhD) or a clinical residency program and sometimes all of the above. Every year vets must comply with state board regulations and complete a certain number of credits in continuing education, or else, lose the license. As you can see, learning is never-ending. Every day I still find myself returning from work only to get immersed in veterinary books and scientific articles – all of this to assure that I am doing what is best for my patients. But all of the above may not be enough for veterinarians to convince "all-knowing clients" to do what is best for their pets. Many will contend that they know more than their vets. And while the digital era has made the dissemination of information easily available and contributed to great strides in some areas such as preventive medicine and welfare, in some areas, this has not been for the better. One of these areas has to do with the fad of cesarean section (C-section) in bitches.

Cesarean section has been part of human culture since ancient times and there are tales in both Western and non-Western cultures of this procedure resulting in live mothers and offspring. According to Greek mythology Apollo removed Asclepius, founder of the famous cult of religious medicine, from his mother's abdomen. Numerous references to cesarean section appear in ancient Hindu, Egyptian, Grecian, Roman, and other European folklore. Yet, the early history of cesarean section remains shrouded in myth and is of dubious accuracy. Even the origin of "cesarean" has apparently been distorted over time. It is commonly believed to be derived from the surgical birth of Julius Caesar; however, this seems unlikely since his mother Aurelia is reputed to have lived to hear of her son's invasion of Britain. At that time the procedure was performed only when the mother was dead or dying, as an attempt to save the child for a state wishing to increase its population. Roman law under Caesar decreed that all women who were so fated by childbirth must be cut open; hence, cesarean. Other possible Latin origins include the verb "caedare," meaning to cut, and the term "caesones" that was applied to infants born by postmortem operations. Ultimately, though, we cannot be sure of where or when the term cesarean was derived. Until the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries the procedure was known as cesarean operation. This began to change following the publication in 1598 of Jacques Guillimeau's book on midwifery in which he introduced the term "section." Increasingly thereafter "section" replaced "operation".

In the bitch, C-sections are done with the intention of saving the life of the bitch and as many puppies as possible. Most often, dystocia (complicated/obstructed delivery) necessitates an emergency C-section. By this time, one or more of the fetuses may be dead or compromised and the mother weak or debilitated. In some – but not all cases - planning a Cesarean section can prevent fetal or maternal loss and can eliminate midnight emergency calls to the veterinarian.

In human medicine, the culture of giving birth has changed drastically since 1970. The caesarean section, once known as a life-saving medical procedure to be used under extraordinary circumstances, is now perceived by the medical profession and their female patients as a safe, painless, modern, and ideal form of birth for any pregnant woman. Certainly, this cultural phenomenon has now extended beyond the medical arena to affect veterinarians and their clients as well.

In human medicine doctors have appropriated cultural values regarding the female body and sexuality and reinforced a blind fascination with technology and medicalized women's fear of labour to justify their preference for surgical births. By narrowing ethical concerns to the doctor-patient relationship and drawing on the notion of the patient's best interest, physicians defend their practice of C-sections as appropriate -- and even desirable. Likewise, the widespread use of C-sections in bitches follows similar trends. On one hand, veterinarians have appropriated breeders’ perceptions regarding the subjective value of a bitch or sire (particularly in the context of dog shows) to justify that they are acting in their client’s best interest while capitalizing on the number of procedures performed. On the other hand, breeders lured by advances in veterinary technology have easily accepted C-sections as a safe procedure, and routinely turn to them for two main reasons: first for convenience; understandably, breeders dread the late night or weekend delivery. And as the noun implies, "labour" involves really hard work: whelping a bitch requires many hours of preparation, attention and stress as the owner has to monitor and assist the bitch (and puppies) during and after delivery. It is not uncommon for dedicated owners to be up for 12-24hrs when a bitch is in labour. Secondly, breeders elect C-sections in hopes of maximizing their financial gain; many naïvely believe that C-Sections can miraculously deliver them more viable puppies (regardless of the risks involved for the dam and litter) and will often pressure veterinarians into performing the procedure. Sadly, in our fast-paced, digitalized, touch-screen, theme park, multi-level, homogenize-the-world mochaccino-era, the commitment to vaginal whelping is dwindling among breeders.

In human medicine, most U.S. experts—whether high-risk obstetricians or home-birth midwives—agree that the U.S. C-section rate is higher than medically necessary and acknowledge that many women are undergoing major surgery for unnecessary reasons. Jeffrey Ecker, MD. ’88, professor of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology, is a high-risk obstetrician at Massachusetts General Hospital and director of his department’s quality and safety program. A few years ago, working with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, he compared C-section rates among the commonwealth’s hospitals. The study, like similar ones in other states, found great disparities: Massachusetts hospitals showed as much as a threefold variation in frequency of cesareans. These disparate rates, Ecker says, "can’t all be optimal," and, he adds, it’s "certainly very difficult to demonstrate that higher cesarean rates are associated with better outcomes."

Undoubtedly, some dog breeds need higher caesarean section rates compared to others. In a research published in the Journal of Small Animal Practice (2008), Dr. Evans KM demonstrated that the breeds with the highest caesarean rates were the Boston terrier, bulldog, French bulldog, mastiff, miniature bull terrier, German wirehaired pointer, Clumber spaniel, Pekingese and Dandie Dinmont terrier. In the Boston terrier, bulldog and French bulldog, the rate was > 80%. A higher incidence of dystocia in brachycephalic breeds (breeds with shortened heads/faces such as Bulldogs and Boston Terriers) is a non-intuitive, expected finding. Why the incidence of C-sections is increasing in all breeds demands a reasonable scientific justification - one I presume does not exist.

The majority of clients who come to the ER to get a C-section are in panic mode. They do not know when the litter is due because they often breed their dogs without veterinary assistance. Accurate prediction of the due date relies on hormonal evaluation of the bitch BEFORE BREEDING. Common sense calls for the routine assessment of any dog(s) for breeding purposes by a licensed veterinarian. Why so many clients decline a simple physical exam, vaginal cytology and blood work for less than $250 is mind-boggling. The proper coordination of breeding with vaginal cytology, serum luteinizing hormone (LH) and serial progesterone measurements often allow a more accurate prediction of whelping date. Measuring blood levels of progesterone can also give an idea of whether whelping is imminent because the levels fall when puppies are ready to come out. Usually, levels of 2-3ng/ml are considered low enough to raise suspicion and demand close observation for imminent labor. However, it is not uncommon for bitches to maintain progesterone levels around 2-4ng/ml for a few days before whelping, which can throw some confusion in regards to "readiness" for birth.

Clients must recognize that a C-section should be used only for high-risk pregnancies (brachycephalic dogs, for instance) or for emergency situations, as C-sections can disrupt many important physiological processes that can be detrimental to both dam and newborn puppies. Above all, it is important for clients to understand that it is FETAL MATURATION - NOT THE MOTHER that sets the time for delivery. In late pregnancy, fetal cortisol secretion stimulates lung surfactant production, activates hepatic, and gastric enzymes, and promotes overall final fetal maturation. Subjecting the infant to the expulsive/mechanical forces of vaginal birth is also critical for proper perinatal pulmonary (lung) adaptation. For instance, studies have shown that the absence of a compressive force in the fetal chest while passing through the birth canal reduces the breathing reflex in neonates delivered by C-section. Babies born by C-sections lack the rapid clearance of fetal lung fluid promoted by the normal physiological hormonal environment present in spontaneous labor. Additionally, surfactant synthesis – an essential molecule for proper post-natal lung function/respiration -- is only produced when babies are fully developed and ready for life outside the uterus. If puppies are delivered prematurely, the absence, deficiency or inactivation of surfactant can lead to severe respiratory dysfunction (neonatal respiratory distress syndrome), which is one of the most common of neonatal complications in premature infants. A study recently published in the Journal of Veterinary and Emergency & Critical Care demonstrated that puppies born by elective C-section PRIOR to the onset of expulsive uterine contractions had significantly lower mature amniotic surfactant concentration compared to those delivered by vaginal birth, which indicates incomplete pulmonary maturation. Finally, C-sections require general anesthesia, which further contributes to respiratory depression in puppies. Consequently, babies delivered by C-section may inevitably experience respiratory distress due to ineffective fluid absorption by the lungs, due to lack of adequate amounts of mature surfactant and depression of breathing efforts by anesthetics. Controlled studies in human medicine have demonstrated that babies born via C-section have higher incidence of obesity and asthma later in life. Women subjected to C-section face greater likelihood of future complications in pregnancy, including uterine rupture or conditions in which the placenta covers the opening to the cervix (placenta previa), adheres abnormally to the uterine wall (placenta accreta), or separates from it (placenta abruption). These women are also less likely to breast-feed, and may be at greater risk for depression and post-traumatic stress. Likewise, bitches can experience hurdles as well. They are subject to complications such as intra and post-operative hemorrhage, placental retention, infection, blood clots, uterine scars, bladder damage and possible bowel obstruction. Insufficient mothering instinct or rejection of newborns in dogs is likely to be more prevalent in C-sections and may result from inappropriate hormone balance and/or post-operative pain.

Even if clients insist on having puppies surgically delivered, the dam should be allowed to progress as far as is practical and possible into labor. She needs time to concentrate on licking her nipples and vulva (and everything else within reach) and with your good vet standing by, it is safe. The pre-delivery licking coincides with the release of endorphins and hormones which lay an important foundation for the bonding behavior between mother and whelp. The first time dam who is trotted off to surgery without benefit of the nesting, licking and cleaning behavior is one who will most likely never develop good mothering skills. She is more apt to reject or be frightened by those odd squirmy little things she awakens to find in her bed. Conversely, the dam you allowed to become serious about licking, digging, and arranging her bed can be taken straight into surgery and home as soon as possible.  That way, she will take up where she left off as soon as she's regained her wits.

In conclusion, since there is no safe, effective way to induce canine labor, the practice of elective caesarian has grown by leaps and bounds. While doing a C-section can save the bitch and/or puppies in an emergency, it should never be done as a matter of convenience. In the broadest sense, attaining an optimal C-section rate in bitches may be a matter of finding a middle ground between two approaches to birth and risk—between vigilance toward the "disaster waiting to happen" and support for the "physiologically sound process." That way, surgery happens when necessary, but is avoided in the many cases when it’s not.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Chronic Vomiting & Diarrhea in Cats: Not So "Benign" Conditions!

I haven't posted in a good while. I guess my blog also went into "hibernation mode" together with the bears here in Alaska. It's time to wake up from winter slumber. And nothing better than a new, interesting research finding to make cat owners get out of their hibernation mode too in regards to pets that frequently vomit due to "hair ball" or other "normal issues".

In November 2013, the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association published a very well-designed study investigating the real reason some cats have chronic vomiting and/or diarrhea.  
[J Am Vet Med Assoc. Nov 2013 15;243(10):1455-61. Diagnosis of chronic small bowel disease in cats: 100 cases (2008-2012)].

The goal of the study was to find out if a diagnosis of chronic small bowel disease could be determined in a subset of cats that had chronic vomiting, small bowel diarrhea, weight loss or a combination of these. The study intelligently challenged the erroneous notion (maintained by lots of cat owners out there), that chronic/intermittent vomiting is a normal condition for cats.

The authors reviewed the medical records of cats from 2008-2012 presented to the veterinarian with clinical signs of chronic vomiting, chronic diarrhea, weight loss or a combination of these. In order to enter the study, cats had to meet the following 2 criteria: (A) clinical signs of gastrointestinal problems that included a history of vomiting 2 times per month (in the last 3 consecutive months), small bowel diarrhea of several weeks' duration and weight loss (0.5Kg or 1.1 lb) in the preceding 6 months. In addition, ultrasound exam should reveal thickening of the small bowel in 2 locations. Biopsy of the gastrointestinal tract was obtained when indicated. A total of 165 cats were eligible to enter the study. Surgery (for biopsy specimen collection) was performed on only 100 cats. Thus, 65 cats that were eligible to have a biopsy done but did not undergo surgery for that purpose were excluded from the study.

The age of the cats ranged from 1-18 years old. The median and mean age for all 100 cats was about 11 years. Thirty-four cats were 12-14 years old. Thirteen were 15-18 years old. Thus, 47% cats were older than 12 years old! Only one out of 100 cats that entered the study had no abnormal findings on biopsy examination. The other 99 cats (99%) had various degrees of inflammation or cancer in 1 or more biopsy specimens analyzed. Forty-six cats (46%) cat intestinal cancer! In general, cats <8 years old usually had inflammation of the small bowel, whereas cats > 8 years old had cancer (intestinal lymphoma, adenocarcinoma or mast cell disease). See pictures below.

Remarkably, 26 cats in the study were brought to the vet for no obvious clinical problems. They were presented to the vet as part of a regular wellness examination. All of these 26 cats had signs of gastrointestinal disease; sadly enough the owners did not consider these signs to be of clinical significance. Most of these clients believed that the clinical signs were related to a "sensitive stomach", or "hair balls" or "anxiety/nervousness" or because these cats had always had these signs, thus they were deemed "normal" by the owners. All of these 26 cats had disease - either gastroenteritis, lymphoma (cancer) or mast cell disease.

The study highlights the fact that clinical signs of gastrointestinal problems that are apparently innocuous such as chronic vomiting or diarrhea, should not be ignored or considered "normal" by cat owners! About 26% of the cats that entered this study had clinical signs detected during regular wellness exams, meaning that most clients do not give these issues enough importance to justify bringing their pets to a vet for specific evaluation of the condition. Likewise, veterinarians should be more proactive by asking owners about signs of small bowel conditions, check body weight during wellness or other routine evaluations as opportunities to detect small intestinal disease. Vomiting more than 2 times per month in itself provides a good justification for an ultrasonographic exam of the gut for detection of gut wall thickening.

The massage that both cat owners and veterinarians should take home is that chronic small bowel disease often cause chronic vomiting/diarrhea and weight loss. Vomiting, in particular, should not be dismissed as a "benign" or "normal" event. Ultrasonography is a relatively inexpensive and non-invasive diagnostic tool that allows veterinarians to select cats from which biopsy samples should be collected and examined in order to provide a definitive diagnosis and appropriate treatment for these cats.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Genetically Modified Organisms in your pet food... and yours!

In May 2013, two million people in over 50 countries expressed outrage over Monsanto's desire to own the food supply through genetically-altered (and patented) seeds that threaten all life on this planet. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are when a plant or animal has been genetically engineered with DNA from bacteria, viruses or other plants and animals. Whether you like it or not, you are eating genetically manipulated food without your consent... and giving it to your pets as well. Have you ever wondered the reasons for the ever increasing incidence of cancer, autoimmune and degenerative diseases? In a sense, it is true that you become what you eat.

This article will send chills down your spine...  Monsanto's Profitable Connections with the US Government.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Beautiful Sunny Day in SE Alaska!

Nope, this is not a post about veterinary medicine. It is about BEAUTY! The beauty of this amazing, great state of Alaska. Literally, after a month of pouring rain... a sunny day!!Southeast Alaska receives tons of water. Water is what sustains our remarkable biodiversity. Yet, as more arctic cold fronts begin to advance over the Tongass Rain Forest (Alaska Inside Passage), days will be much colder and beautiful like this in the pictures.. It was 32F (0C) on the beach. As you can easily see, snow is already falling heavily on the peaks around us. We won't have to wait much longer until the valleys are covered as well. I can't describe how breath-taking these views are... Thank you Lord, for the privilege of living amidst such beauty!

 Eagle Beach is my place of refuge. It is mystical, to say the least. It is almost like heaven on earth. The backdrop shows the peaks of the mountains surrounding Herbert Glacier. I love taking long walks in this place. Makes you forget all the craziness of the world around you. The reverent silence brings your soul close to God.

Majestic peaks are all around you.This part of Alaska is the northern terminus of the Inside Passage, a protected waterway of convoluted passages between islands and fjords. This was an important travel corridor for the Tlingit and Haida Native peoples, as well as gold-rush era steamships.

This is my Irish Setter, Roni, walking on the beach. Alaska is paradise on earth for dogs! You find dog lovers everywhere. And dogs are invariably off-leash. No one gives you the look that you often get on the east coast: "what the heck are you doing with your dog off leash???" Instead, only smiles...

Here is my beloved wife and 6yo daughter enjoying a nice afternoon walk on the beach. It was 32F (0C).

3:50pm. The sun is almost going to sleep behind the Chilkat Mt. Range. Can you believe that 250 years ago, during the mini Ice-Age, this beach was 5-6 feet under water? The weight of glacier ice literally pushed the ground under sea level!!! When the glacier began to reced, the shore emerged again. This cycle has been going on for thousands of years. If you really want to know the truth about "global warming" get acquainted with Dr. Don Easterbrook's research work. He is an Emeritus Professor of Geology at Western Washington University. Here is a link to one of his articles -global-cooling-is-here

The Chilkat Mountain Range NW of Juneau. They have already received tons of snow. Again, the beauty cannot be fully described through the camera... you have to see it with your own eyes.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Bear Attack (graphic photos)

I love Alaska. Life here is incredibly beautiful, as unscathed natural beauty surround us everywhere we go. Even with the challenges brought by the weather and isolation, Alaska is worth it, particularly if you are totally averse to certain things you typically find in major metropolitan areas: stress, rudeness, arrogance and the sense of entitlement so predominant in major US cities.

Living in a place so strongly dominated by natural forces calls us to be aware of our own vulnerability and weakness as human beings. We are guests here... we are tiny islands of "civilization" surrounded by thousands, thousands and thousands of acres of untouched wilderness. So, it is not uncommon for humans and their pets to get into trouble from time to time when mother nature has its way. One thing all of us need to be aware of here is bears. They are all over. We live in their natural habitats.

A couple of months ago a family brought me their Miniature Pinscher after the dog had been attacked by a bear. It just so happened that a momma bear with two cubs were looking for food in this family's backyard when this courageous [tiny] dog attempted to chase the bears away. It failed miserably. Instead, the momma bear snatched the dog off the ground with her mouth and shook it violently, breaking the dog's spine. The dog ended up paralyzed and had to be put to sleep.

A couple of days ago, a similar situation happened, this time involving a sweet chocolate lab. The dog is from Haines - a little town of approximately 2,000 people located northwest of Juneau. According to the owners, the dog went out in the morning and subsequently wandered away. He was found later that day after having been seriously injured by a bear. No one knows how it happened. Most likely, the dog either (naively) entered the bear's territory, crossed paths with a protective momma bear or was found eating the bear's food.

Regardless of the reasons for the attack, this dog is very lucky to be alive!

This patient had several bite wounds in the neck in addition to these deep lacerations. Bear paws have powerful, long & sharp claws that can easily slice the flesh off like a salami. This dog is overweight and the subcutaneous (excess) fat worked as a cushion against the bear's sharp claws. If this pet were leaner, the bear could easily have cut through the skin into the chest or abdominal cavity. Because of the lapse between the accident/trauma and veterinary care (6-12hrs) this wound is considered contaminated.

Wound management for transport: Before transportation, particularly if it might take several hours before you reach veterinary care, all wounds should be thoroughly cleansed with soap and water, then bandaged. In the situation above, the client was very wise. He improvised an occlusive dressing with gauze and linen firmly held in place with duct tape (not shown). Bandaging prevents further contamination and helps to stop all but the most severe hemorrhage.

Upon arrival at our office, this dog was examined, vitals recorded and an IV catheter placed in his leg. He received IV fluids, antibiotics and pain medication. Then, he was placed under general anesthesia and prepared for surgery. This preparation consisted of clipping the hair, examining the wounds and thoroughly scrubbing the lacerations with chlorhexidine scrub  - chlorhexidine belongs to a group of medicines called antiseptic antibacterial agents. It is used to clean the skin after an injury, before surgery, or before an injection.

After trimming/cutting dead tissue away (including the subcutaneous fat) this is what the repaired lacerations look like (2.5hrs of hard work). There were several large subcutaneous pockets formed by the trauma. These pockets can trap contaminated fluid, bacteria and dead cells/debris. To enhance drainage and reduce the likelihood of infection, several penrose drains were anchored in place. In addition to these severe lacerations, the dog's right femur was fractured during the attack. He underwent fracture repair the next day. It is really a miracle "Buddy" is alive!

If you live in Alaska or just moved here recently, be aware that bears are found all over. Most people who see a bear in the wild consider it the highlight of their trip. The presence of these majestic creatures is a reminder of how privileged we are to share some of the country's dwindling wilderness. Yet, it is important to know as much as you can about bears in order to protect yourself and your beloved pets. Here is a link with useful information about bears in the State of Alaska: The Essentials of Traveling in Bear Country. 

If your dog experiences a laceration, here are a few things you can do before taking your pet to the veterinarian:

1. Clean the wound thoroughly with soap and water; then, dry it.
2. Apply clean gauze or a clean linen [with pressure] to reduce bleeding (wound dressing)
3. If you can, secure the gauze/linen in place with elastikon bandage (elastikon bandage) or duct tape, if you don't have anything else.
4. If the laceration is large and located on the belly, chest or back and you don't have anything to protect it with, put a snug, clean T-shirt on the dog.
5. Seek veterinary assistance ASAP. The longer you wait for a wound to be properly treated, the more likely it will become infected.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Life... Alaska Style!

Bear activity has been increasing all around as thousands of salmon are returning from the Pacific Ocean to enter fresh waters (rapids/creeks and rivers) in order to spawn (lay eggs). So, the bears are trying to eat as much as possible to accumulate enough fat in preparation for the tough Alaskan winter... hibernation is around the corner. To be surrounded by so much beauty is truly a privilege!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Cat Onwers Neglecting Their Feline Friends!

OK - it's time to write about cats, because I do care for them. In addition, the current statistics about cats are troubling. Despite becoming the most popular family pet in the United States - outnumbering dogs by roughly 5 million - cats are substantially more neglected and underserved by their owners. In 2012, while dogs averaged about 2.6 veterinary visits per household/year, cats averaged only 1.6. Furthermore, dog owners clearly invested 3 times more on their pets' health when compared to cat owners (see table below).


Statistically speaking, a large number of cats are seen by a vet only once every 3 to 5 years! I can certainly attest to that reality since I often find myself in a tough spot when a sick cat comes in and I have ask my client why their last wellness visit took place years ago. Unfortunately, this is a concerning issue, and I would like to address some of the reasons underlying it.

To begin with, cat owners often express a misconception that cats don't need medical care, because they don't get sick as often as dogs do. In addition, most cat owners perceive their cats as independent and self-sufficient making them less prone to diseases, and as such, requiring fewer veterinary visits. Unfortunately, these beliefs are unfounded! Not only cats do get sick just as often as dogs, but cats are masters of disguise, so they rarely show signs of an illness until it is well-advanced.  As such, waiting for your cat to exhibit signs that he/she is sick is an unwise approach, as you'll most likely end up with higher veterinary bills and fewer treatment options (if not a dead cat) in order to address a health issue that could have been cheaper and more successfully treated if diagnosed earlier...

Another common  concern voiced by feline owners is that veterinary visits can cause a lot of stress to the cat and the client.
It is true, but such stress isn't restricted to cats. Dogs may also get stressed; nonetheless, dog owners seem to understand perhaps a bit better that the hazards of not bringing the dog for a regular veterinary check-up far outweigh the amount of potential stress caused by that appointment. If a cat owner has concerns about a visit to the vet, I always encourage the client to call in advance to request that arrangements be made for a more cat-friendly visit i.e. away from barks, noise and other meows.

My role as a veterinarian is to establish & promote a partnership with pet owners that will create a framework for a
lifelong health care plan. That is why one of my blogs entries talks about the importance of wellness. The American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) and the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) have created an evidence-based life stage wellness program to help veterinarians in delivering the best comprehensive veterinary care for cats, which includes: (1) health care recommendations for cats in different life stages; and (2) tools to facilitate efficient and enhanced client-veterinarian communication during visits. The need to work within a life stages framework is obvious: like humans, cats go through different life stages with different needs and susceptibility to different health problems. All are influenced by many factors such as lifestyle (indoors/outdoors), genetics (breed), geographical location, alimentary habits, etc. The AAFP/AAHA guidelines follow a very easy age classification whose goal is to help clients and veterinarians focus attention on the cat's needs during a specific stage of life.
I always enjoy educating my clients in regards to aging. After age 7, cats are considered "mature adults". After the age of 10 or 11 they become "seniors". It is not uncommon for these cats to develop insidious chronic diseases that easily go unnoticed for a couple of years by the owner. When the poor cat begins to show actual signs that something isn't quite right, it is because the level of health compromise has reached a point that makes it impossible for organs like the heart, kidney, pancreas, intestines and the immune system to function properly. Moreover, if the disease is in an early stage, the physical exam performed by the veterinarian will most likely not be enough to detect any changes. At this point, it is of paramount importance that the client be willing to allow the vet to perform a full health screen (blood work, thyroid check, urine check, etc.) -- even if the cat seems healthy. Trust me - in the end you will save money and most likely extend your pet's life. Another advantage of a full laboratory work-up is that it allows your vet to establish what is "normal" for that individual patient. That way, it will be easy to tell when things begin to change with age or illness. I'd like to emphasize that it is very important for cat owners to understand that cats are masterful at hiding illnesses -- even from folks who have owned cats for many years. Cats are not pack animals so they lack the protection afforded by living in groups. It has become part of their survival instinct to "pretend" they are OK when in reality they are not.

According to the recommendations of the AAFP and AAHA here is what a responsible cat owner should do for his/her feline pal:

1. A minimum of one annual wellness exam is highly justifiable for all cats. For the young cat such visits allow the vet to make recommendations in regards to vaccinations and de-worming programs, address health risks related to a cat's lifestyle (indoor vs. outdoors), discuss diet recommendations, behavior, environmental enrichment, socialization, transportation, etc.
2. More frequent examinations for senior or geriatric cats or cats with or without known medical and behavioral conditions are highly advisable.
3.  Semi-annual wellness exams are recommended for all feline life stages. The reasons for semi-annual exams include: (1) changes in health status may occur in a short period of time; (2) ill cats often show no signs of disease which unfortunately allows them to progress to critical stages; (3) earlier detection of body weight changes (losing or gaining weight fast), dental disease, heart murmur, food and water intake and irregular visits to the bathroom often indicate that something is wrong. Early detection allows for earlier, more effective treatments.

Let me know if you have any questions and enjoy your cat!